Sun 2nd June – Ibstock Urban

The international list of official control description symbols has been updated this year. You can download an A4 sheet of the symbols from web page below (compiled by Simon Errington). Planners and Controllers should also read the detailed specifications of these symbols from the IOF.
You can also test your knowledge with the Maprunner quiz.
Orienteering Symbols CD symbol QuizThe new club tops are available from Maureen Webb. Some of the old design are now at half price.
Club KitWinners at the Championship event at Sandringham Royal Park on 9th March
M50 Andy Simpson
M85 Peter Leake
M90 Donald Moir
Full ResultsWinners at the EM Championships at Chambers Farm Wood on 25 February
Hugh Chester M10
Eoin Simpson M14
Ellie Simpson W16
Toni O’Donovan W40
Peter Chick M80
Sue Bicknell W80
Don Moir M90
Full Results