Official Orienteering Symbols


Map SymbolsView or download a PDF of latest ISOM Standard Map symbols for scales 1:10,000 and 1:15,000.
Sprint Map SymbolsView or download a PDF of latest IOF Standard Map symbols for sprint maps scale 1:4,000.
Control Description Symbols 2024View or download an A4 PDF summary of latest IOF Standard Control Descriptions. Single sheet for competitors.
Control Description Specifications 2024View or download a detailed specification of the IOF Standard Control Descriptions. Suitable for Planners and Controllers.


SpecificationDetailed International Specification for Control Descriptions on IoF website
Maprunner websiteA link to the maprunner website which has a number of IOF control symbol guides for you to download and print out.
IOF Map StandardsA link to the IOF website which has the latest edition of the International Specification for Orienteering Maps (ISOM). Each map symbol is described in detail.