Join the Club

Membership Rules

Members must agree to abide by the rules of orienteering, these are quite extensive and include:

British Orienteering Membership

British Orienteering has four membership categories:

      • Senior – any member aged 26 or older at the end of the membership year
      • Young Adult – member 21 to 25 at the end of the membership year
      • Junior – any member aged 20 or younger at the end of the membership year
      • Family – Maximum of two adults and 1 or more juniors

There is reduction in the fees between 1st May and 31st August (pay 2/3rds) and between 1st September and 31st December will pay one-third of the annual membership fee.

When joining British Orienteering you will become a member of an affiliated club ( i.e. LEI) and association (i.e. EMOA). The membership fee includes that for the appropriate club and association.

The membership year is the calendar year.


From September 1st members you can join or renew your membership for 2024, the costs are £6 for a junior and £18 for a senior. If you are a member of another club, you can subscribe to LEI News for £6 (reduced for recurrent membership, ask the Secretary for latest fees).

From 1 September 2024, new members can join for the remainder of the membership year for only £5 Seniors, £3 Young Adults, £2.50 Juniors or take advantage of joining as a family only £12 (Two seniors and unlimited juniors).

If you were born in 2001 or before you are a senior.

The fee is made up of three elements

      • LEI Club Fee = NIL
      • EMOA Association Fee = £3 senior and £1 junior and young adult
      • British Orienteering Fee = £15 senior, £10 young adult and £5 junior also family £35

Member benefits

      • 3 LEI club newsletters – one of the top 10 in the country 2012, 2013, 2015 & 2017
      • Weekly Email newsletter
      • Free loan of compasses; thumb or baseplate style
      • Reduced entry fee for all relays when representing the club
      • Free dibber hire for juniors at the Yvette Baker Trophy events
      • Reduced prices on club racing tops- short or long sleeved
      • Club Fleece, personalised club hoodie and Training suit
      • Some financial support for adults attending out of Region events eg British Championships.

Weekly Newsletter

To sign up to receive the emailed weekly Club Newsletter Click Here

Join On-line

New members should join on-line by following the membership link. Membership Link

      • In the Club drop down box Select LEI
      • Fill in your address and details for each member of the family.
      • Please enter an email address as this is used by the Club to send your EMEWS (the East Midlands Newsletter) and club notices.
      • If you would like to set up a renewal by direct debit then print the form from

Other methods of joining

It’s possible to join by other methods but this has significant drawbacks and delays. To find out more use the


To renew your membership visit

Club Clothing

The club has two styles of team tops and protective clothing. See Link to the Club Shop page.
You can run in any clothing but for the YBT National final we prefer all juniors to wear club tops. You might need to borrow one.


Loan Dibbers

Dibbers are available for hire at most events. The club can also lend you comcards, which are a combined dibber and thumb compass to try before you buy.  The cards are normally available on club nights to try out at events.

Comcard Basic
Comcard Second level
Faster read and fast compass needle setting

Sport Ident Website has a full range of these cards which have different speeds of recording your times and different speeds for setting the needle in the compass.

Loan compasses

You can borrow a thumb compass from the club stock, ask the Development Co-ordinator. There are Left and Right hand models (right-handed people tend to use left-hand compasses), available:

(right hand)
Compass 3 compass 2
Old style
(right hand)
Moscow left and right hand