Event Details

Sunday 16th February 2025
EM Championships - Martinshaw and Ratby Woodlands
Postcode LE6 0FP
Brookvale Groby Learning Campus view in Streetmap or Google Maps
Grid Reference SK517069
Beginners welcome, help and advice available.
For more information about what to expect at an orienteering event, please follow the link to the webage - Your First Event
  • Event Type - Classic; Forest

  • Start Times
  • 10.30 am - 12.30 pm
  • Course Closing Time
  • 2:00 pm
Event Level - National

Courses AvailableIdeal For
White, YellowBeginners, families and juniors.
Orange, Light GreenImprovers, runners and pairs.
Very Short Green, Short Green, Green, Short Blue, Blue, Short Brown, BrownExperienced orienteerers.
Entry fees are £12 adult, £5 junior. This adult fee is increased to £14 if you are not a current member of British Orienteering. There is a reduced fee of £5 adult, £3 junior for the Orange, Yellow and White courses.
Electronic Punching
SI Dibber Hire: £1.00, SIAC Dibber Hire: £2.00 - Contactless SIAC available

Entry: Entries now open on The Start Kite. Enter before end of 10th February to guarantee a map. Pay the entry fee to Start Kite (account details will be displayed on screen when you confirm your entry).
Entries close on 15th February at 3pm. There is no entry on the day.
Student/unwaged discount code: R663
Age Class: This is a championship event with age class competition.
You may compete against younger orienteers on a longer course by selecting the corresponding age class. The age class you select will be the only age class you qualify for in the results.
If you wish to run a course that is shorter, or a course with lower technical difficulty, please select a colour-coded option from the bottom of the course list on The Start Kite.

Event Details PDF: Download updated 11th Feb.

Terrain: A mix of mature and younger woodland areas with paths. Either side of the M1.(see safety points below).

Start Times: Select a 30 minute window during the entry process. The individual start times will be published online and distributed by email in the week before the event. If possible, start during your selected 30 minute start block.

Course Lengths updated 8th Feb.

Courses Length ControlsAge Classes
Brown 9.7km 75m29 M20, M21, M35, M40
Short Brown 8.0km 65m27 M18, M45, M50, W21
Blue 6.7km 45m19 M16, M55, M60, W20, W35, W40
Short Blue 5.1km 40m16 M65, W18, W45, W50
Green 4.1km 30m14 M70, W16, W55, W60
Short Green 3.3km 20m13 M75, M80, W65, W70
Very Short Green 2.9km 20m11M85, M90, W75, W80, W85, W90
Light Green 3.2km 25m11M14, W14
Orange 2.7km 15m9 M12, W12
Yellow 2.4km 20m9 M10, W10
White 1.5km 10m10-

Safety: A risk assessment has been carried out by the Organiser and all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the safety of competitors. However, participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Please note:
Please respect all other users of the area.
All longer courses cross a main road (there will be a time out) please take your time and cross safely

Personal Data When entering events your personal details (name, age, gender, club) will appear in the results section on this website. It may also be used to contact you regarding this event including to trace missing runners and hired SI cards. The full privacy statement can be viewed on the LEI website.

Organiser - Chris Phillips
Page Updated 13-02-2025
  • Planner - I Phillips and S Chafer
  • Controller - John Kewley MDOC

  • Privacy Policy Click Here
  • Large Groups Not suitable for large groups.
  • Dogs In the car park only.