Brown Results Splits
Blue Results Splits
Green Results Splits
Short Green Results Splits
Light Green Results Splits
Orange Results Splits
Yellow Results Splits
White Results Splits

Planner's Comments

I hope you all enjoyed your runs today, the last before increasing an age class for some. Thanks to the permission of Groby Lodge Farm, we were able to have a new event centre and start/finish for this quite large map. I decided to use Martinshaw Wood on only the SW side of the motorway and all of the Ratby Burroughs area. This part of Martinshaw is not so heavily used as the larger section on the other side of the motorway (which is close to Groby college), and it meant that the White, Yellow and Orange courses used a completely new area.

All the other courses crossed into Ratby Burroughs and went further in depending on the course, with the Brown extending to the very southern part which has rarely, if ever, been used on an EM level C event. The shape of the area poses some challenges in course planning, as it is an interlinked section or fairly small pieces of woodland, but I hope I managed to take you through without too much out and back running being duplicated.

You will have noticed that the course lengths were at the high end of the scale, but this was because of the increasing runnability of the area as a whole and the result times indicate that the decision was a reasonable one. My only apology would be to those on the Brown course if they felt that the length was too short. You visited every bit of the available area and although I looked at longer versions, it was really adding distance at the expense of course quality.

Finally, I’d like to thank Glynn for making the organisation run very well, and to Roger, who controlled the event, and pitched in with useful suggestions.

Bob Haskins.